Dexter opening sequence analysis.
The sequence is full of iconography and activities related to blood.
This is done because the main character, Dexter, is closely related to blood.
(E.g collecting victim's blood in slides) The first occurrence of this is the
mosquito biting Dexter, and he kills it. The name if the show is then show,
splattered with blood. This again links Dexter to blood. Than an extreme
close-up of him shaving is shown, and Dexter cuts himself. The blood runs down
his neck and drips onto the clean surface of the sink. Dexter immaculately
wipes it away with a scrap of tissue. This represents the spilling of blood,
and Dexter's skills of cleaning it up with having nothing left. All of these
shots correspond to the drawing of blood/the kill.
The sequence then begins to focus on the cutting up/disposing of the
victims. This is effectively displayed in numerous ways, all linked to food.
For example, a piece of pork is dissected, and egg is sliced, mixing with
ketchup (connotation of the blood) as it separates. A highly effective shot of
an orange being sliced in two against a red background again connotes the
dissecting of victims bodies, with the red again suggesting a presence of
blood. All of this shots show a lot of texture, are high definition and make innocent
activities of the guy getting ready in the mourning look creepy and become a
connotation of blood and murders.
Next images of flossing and laces being tied are shown. He is then shown
pulling a shirt over his head, slowly bringing his face into view for the first
time. This connotes the hidden side of Dexter - throughout the imagery, which
represents his killings his face is never shown - this aspect of his
personality is not known to others. Also he it is another way of killing (which
Dexter doesn’t use) – choking. It looks like if he`s suffocating. An extreme
close up of Dexter locking the door represents that this part of his life is
kept apart from the rest of the world.
In the end we can see Dexter going away, looking really normal, and
making the viewers feel quite confused and do not understand how this nice
young man can kill people and how this nice man`s mourning routine was shown
that creepy.
Shots are almost exclusively close-up and extreme close ups. This not
only makes the everyday activities seem more sinister, but also keeps the
identity of Dexter hidden. The close-ups focuses on things related to death -
the knife slicing the orange, the floss restricting blood flow and the blood
splattering onto the sink, killing the mosquito.
Diegetic sound emphasizes what Dexter is doing and is hugely exaggerated,
the same as the close ups look exaggerated but very effective. Diegetic sound
is the song which makes the sequence look even more mysterious. I think the
opening in the whole is very effective and works very well. It is one of the
best openings I`ve ever seen!
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